
Motel Chandan

Location Near Forest Entry Gate, opposite Aranyak Art Emporium, Khatia, Madhya Pradesh 481768

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Property highlights

In-House Restaurant
In-House Restaurant
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool


This motel has a luxury ambiance and it offers 13 rooms that have attached western-style bathrooms. All the rooms have modern amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The hotel is airy and spacious and it has facilities like open sit-outs, green exteriors, tree lines, and a fireplace. Banking and ATM facilities are also there inside the hotel and it is located close to Khatia gate of the park. There is also a restaurant where you can enjoy some delicious food while staying here. The resort amenities include parking space, 3 restaurants, and tribal dance on request.

Most Popular Facilities

In-House Restaurant
 In-House Restaurant
Swimming Pool
 Swimming Pool

Available Rooms

Deluxe Room

Room Type
Meal Plan
Meal Plan Facilities Inclusions
Only Room
Room With Breakfast
Room With Breakfast Dinner
Room With Breakfast Lunch Dinner
1 rooms for ₹ 0
₹ 0 (2% off)
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