
Singinawa Jungle Lodge

Location Kohka, Tehsil Baihar, Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh 481111

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Property highlights

In-House Restaurant
In-House Restaurant
Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool


This property has received various awards for hospitality and is the best in the area. This lodge has 12 cottages and 2 forest bungalows that have been created with an authentic sense of style and comfort. All accommodations have been furnished with modern amenities to give as much comfort as possible and they have large bedrooms, private verandas, en-suite bathrooms, minibars, and air conditioning. Here people can enjoy themselves to the fullest and play traditional games like Gulli-danda, Kabaddi, gulel (catapult), marble, pugmark identification, plaster cast-making techniques, reading jungle signs, kite making, kite flying, etc. Guests can relax at the spa or swimming pool after the thrilling safari in Kanha. The property also has a museum in which traditional artifacts can be seen

Most Popular Facilities

In-House Restaurant
 In-House Restaurant
Swimming Pool
 Swimming Pool

Available Rooms

Deluxe Room

Room Type
Meal Plan
Meal Plan Facilities Inclusions
Only Room
Room With Breakfast
Room With Breakfast Dinner
Room With Breakfast Lunch Dinner
1 rooms for ₹ 0
₹ 0 (2% off)
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